Endangered sharks (summary response)
Endangered sharks
This article is about the threats that are facing the sharks in Florida and around the world. With many people putting the sharks as one of the most dangerous threats facing them in the water, however they were swimming, fishing or diving. In fact there are more than 300 shark spices facing real dangerous situation, and the most famous one is the great white shark. According to the author, all the sharks in the oceans facing mostly the same threats, but as the white shark very rare, all the information will be about it. Moreover the author was describing the decline in the white shark population as 20% less in the last 40 years. And the ratio of the white sharks to the other spices in 1960’s is 1-22 and to1-38 in 1970’s and 1-651 in 1980’s. However what causes these declines are many reasons, but for sure it’s not the commercial fisheries or the accidental situation, the main sources of recorded mortality seem to be sport fishing and souvenir trade. The high prices for teeth and jaws in the souvenir trade are thought to stimulate directed take of this spices.
The sharks in the oceans, the animals in the world, the bird in the ski are facing the same threats but in a different ways. As a white shark became more and more important to the world we should know some more details about it. This shark is a widely distributed species of coastal and offshore shelves in temperate and
sub-tropical areas. It is thought to have local populations that show some evidence of migratory behavior. It is a large (5 m) marine predator, vilified for its occasional attacks on humans. It is thought to have a low reproductive rate, reaching sexual maturity at 9-10 years of age and producing between two and ten pups after a 12-month gestation period once every two to three years. The species is relatively long-lived. The Great White Shark is uncommon compared to other sharks and evidence from protective beach netting in Florida, California and South Africa.
Further to the shark threats, Scientists who study sharks have been alarmed for years over the effects such exploitations have on shark populations. They warn of the possible effect depleted shark populations may have on ocean life. Decrease the number of sharks, whose feeding habits help to keep populations of other fish in check, and you offset the balance of aquatic life. "Sharks help control disease in fish populations," explains shark expert Samuel Gruber of the University of Miami. "They play an important role in the evolution of prey species, taking the sick and unhealthy fish, leaving the more fit to breed."
Consequently, sharks part like any other rare animals (tiger, lion,crocodile...etc).And many fisher and hunters searching for them, to sell them as a souvenir to many collectors in the world. Therefore, I would like to remind those people to the important scenario, which the shark is playing it in our environment balance. And it should be more researching programs to avoid any more problems in our environment. And finally support from every body that involve in this subject or not, because this is our planet and we should save it.
1-Jane bosveld (Nov, 1994) endangered spices. Retrieved Jan 3rd, 2005. www.findarticles.com/p/